PROFILE avatar

Halo jump

How to set it up:

  1. On any object you want to use as a HALO jump pole write following code:
    thisaddAction["HALO Jump","halo.sqf"];
  2. In the mission folder create halo.sqf file.
  3. Open the file and type:   _guy = _this select 1; (That sets player who activated it as _guy).
  4. Then type:   openMap true; (That opens the map).
  5. Then type:   onMapSingleClick {}; (That adds code that will execute when clicked on the map).
  6. Then into the brackets type:   _guy setPos _pos; (That teleport player to selected position).
  7. Then type in:   _alt = 2000; (This sets altitude of the HALO jump).
  8. Then type in:   [ _guy, _alt ] spawn BIS_fnc_halo; (Activates the HALO function).
  9. Then type in:   _guy addBackpack "B_Parachute"; (Adds parachute to the player).
  10. Then type in:   openMap false; (This will close the map).
  11. So in the end it will look like this:
       _alt= 2000;
       [_guy, _alt]spawnBIS_fnc_halo;

Buying Weapons/Vehicles

How to set it up:

  1. On any object you want to use as a Spawning pole write following code:
    thisaddAction["Spawn vehicle","car.sqf"];
  2. In the mission folder create car.sqf file.
  3. Open the file and type: _guy = _this select 1; (That sets player who activated it as _guy).
  4. Then type: if (score_guy>= 100) (That checks if the player has required score).
  5. Then type: then {createVehicle ["B_MRAP_01_F", getMarkerPos"carpoint"];} (If yes, vehicle will be created on marker position "carpoint").
  6. Then type: else {hint "You don't have enough score (100)"}; (If no, a hint will be displayed).
  7. So in the end it will look like this:
    if(score_guy>= 100)
       else{hint"You don't have enought score (100)"};

Assassination Mission

How to set it up:

  1. Create target NPC and name him target.
  2. Place down a trigger that will activate when: !alive target (Activates when target is not alive).
  3. Open your Systems: Modules: Intel.
  4. Place modules "Create Task" and "Set Task State".
  5. Sync. "Create Task" to "Set Task State" module.
  6. Sync. "Set Task State" to the Trigger.
  7. "Set Task State" set state to "Succeded".
  8. "Create Task" set position on synced. object and sync it with the target.

Hostage Rescue

How to set it up:

  1. Create NPC that will be the hostage and name him "hostage".
  2. In his Init. field type: this enableSimulation false; (Disables simulation).
  3. Then: this switchMove "InBaseMoves_HandsBehindBack1"; (Plays animation that will make him put hands behind his back).
  4. Then: addAction ["Rescue", "hostage.sqf"]; (This will add an action that will free him).
  5. So it will look like this:
    thisaddAction[ "Rescue","hostage.sqf"];
  6. In the mission folder create hostage.sqf file.
  7. Open the file and type: hostage enableSimulation true; (Enables simulation).
  8. Then: [hostage] join player; (Hostage will join players team).
  9. Then: removeAllActions hostage; (Removes action from the hostage).
  10. So it will look like this: